Virtual Crossings Melbourne-Geneva-Auckland
Trans -Tasman Partners
Choreographer in Residence VCA Dance - Victoria Chiu
Head of VCA Dance & Research - Carol Brown
Digital Architect arc/sec lab NZ - Yinan Liu
TrakLAB Researcher VCA - Megan Beckwith
Technologist - Sam McGlip
Dancers - Isabelle Beauverd, Ben Hurley
VCA Dance Students - Tai Platania, Alison Tong
The TrakLAB Studio is based on the University of Melbourne’s Southbank campus at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, home of the VCA and the Conservatorium of Music.
Swiss Partners
Production Geneva - Cie Gilles Jobin
Dancer - Susana Panadés Diaz
Creative Director and Technologist - Camilo de Martino
Lead 3D Artist - Tristan Siodlak
Developer - Pierre-Igor Berthet
Motion Capture - Hugo Cahn
Supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants Program, VCA Dance in the Faculty of Fine Arts and Music, University of Melbourne, Cie Gilles Jobin, The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, Geneve Ville de Culture.
Film by James Wright

How do we build choreographic systems for dancing with those we cannot touch?
In a world in which the medium of a mask and the interface of a screen are omnipresent, touching at a distance becomes a choreographic problem. Developing tools to navigate a touchless habitat engages actions of crossing thresholds - between physical and virtual, distant and near – from the perspective of cellular bodies hardwired for touch. Virtual Crossings is a network of artists engaged in cultivating distant touch through remote collaboration. Initiated by Cie Gille Jobin Geneva, this new inter-disciplinary network engages partners in Melbourne, Geneva and Auckland for simultaneous remote performance and research through a virtual architecture embodied through motion capture technology. Virtual Crossings Melbourne mobilises soma-technic states as new spaces for dance to travel safely and with minimal impact.
Trans-Tasman partners are Victoria Chiu (Choreographer in Residence VCA Dance), Carol Brown (Head of VCA Dance), Yinan Liu (arc/sec lab NZ), Megan Beckwith (Digital Dance VCA), Isabelle Beauverd and Ben Hurley (Independent Dancers) and Alison Tong and Tai Platania (VCA Dance Students).
Supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants Program

First live rehearsal with Geneva and Melbourne. 4 dancers in Melbourne 1 in Geneva, 4 in the studio - 5 on screen