Read about our new Dance/Multimedia work Genetrix
Avant premiere at Dancehouse 8 and 9 November 2019
Collaboration with Jozsef Trefeli, Rudi Van der Merwe, Susana Panades Diaz with video artists RDYSTDY (Hana Miller, Jacob Perkins)
Photos by Gregory Lorenzutti
Watch this space for more information about this new international collaboration.
Supported by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body

Photos by Maylei Hunt, Open Studio Dance Massive 2019
Read about the season at Dancehouse 8 and 9 November 2019 6pm
Collaboration with Jozsef Trefeli, Rudi Van der Merwe and artists Hana Miller, Jacob Perkins, Cate Consandine, Harriet Oxley and Roland Cox
Watch this space for more information about this new international collaboration.